Grid-based RealtIme Determination of Moment Tensors |
IntroductionA possibility of realtime monitoring of long-period seismic wavefield for simultaneous determination of moment tensor and centroid location was suggested by Kawakatsu (1998).In JAPAN, Japanese university seismographic Network were constructed by satellite communication system so called VSAT. The packet format is so called WIN FORMAT and now became the most popular recording and transfer format in JAPAN. Using such realtime waveform data (long-period > 10sec), this system (GRiD MT) automatically determines Momement Tensors every one second at all virtual sources. RealTime MonitoringWe perform realtime monitoring for a mesh size of 25 x 25 x 11 (240km x 240km x 90km volume), We take the horizontal and vertical grid size of 10km and 9km, respectively.
ReadmeThis page consists of three parts.
Monitoring Regions |